Thursday, May 10, 2007

Morning in Galilee

One of the blessings of jet lag is that you wake up early in the morning. I got up at 5:30 this morning and Kris was already gone--no doubt sitting on the beach with his bible. I grab some instant coffee and had some time here on our little porch overlooking the Sea of Galilee. It's 7 am now and Kris is still gone. We're in no hurry; this is feeling more and more like a vacation.
Across the lake, Tiberias has begun to awaken. Just north of it is capernaum, Jesus' base of operations and our first destination this morning.
Kris just got back and speculated that the reason Jesus rose before dawn was because he was jetlagged his whole life. It is a long way from eternity to earth--so that makes sense. Anyway, we both hope the ease of this morning's morning continues.
We are chging our schedule for Jordan--going now at the end of the trip. We're anxious to see Ben and Heather and kids.
Sent via BlackBerry

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